IJSRE Coverage


The journal welcomes contributions from an empirical and/or conceptual point of view. If you would like to submit a paper for consideration to IJSRE, please send an e-mail with the manuscript as a file attachment in Microsoft Word or RTF to the editor-in-chief (editor.ijsre@gmail.com) or the managing editor (admin@ijsre.com.ng). Contributors will receive acknowledgement of the receipt of the manuscript within three working days. The main body of the e-mail message should contain the title of the manuscript and the names, affiliations and addresses of all authors. Manuscripts should be in English. The author's names should not be included anywhere in the manuscript, except on the cover page. Manuscripts must also be accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words, succinctly summarizing the aims and objectives of the manuscript. Authors should kindly consult the instructions for authors  page for style and format requirements.


NOTE: Beginning January 2012, IJSRE publication cost will be covered by the author's (USD100 for each paper within 9,500 words and $50 for additional words/pages). IJSRE may grant discount fees for authors who are student. IJSRE publication fees are extremely competitive and are amongst the lowest of any journal offering open access publication. Fees are paid when your paper has been accepted after the blind review process is complete. The online format will enable quicker publishing cycles than print-based journals, and being online will help increase citations for individual publications.


Papers are solicited that address these issues (but are not limited to):





Education Source

Arts of teaching

Case studies from schools around the world

Change management and education quality

Citizenship education

Classroom management

Computers in educational administration

Differing cultural perceptions of management in education

Distance education and multimedia environments

Early Childhood Education

Economics of education

Educational administration

Education environments (political, social, legal, cultural)

Educational leadership

Educational policy and management

Educational systems planning/strategic planning

E-education / E-learning

Entrepreneurial development

Equity and education

Finance and accountability in education

Globalization and education

Human resources management

Individual professional learning portfolio

Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education

Information systems for education and training support

Information systems management



Instructional methodology

Instructional supervision

Knowledge and education

Leadership in education

Lifelong learning and development of competences

Management in higher education

Management of e-education

Managing the curriculum

Marketing in education

Method courses in education

Organizations as learning communities

Policy analysis and evaluation of institutions and study programs

Principles and practices of public administration

Principles of development administration

Public policies management

Quality improvement

Research methodology (Quantitative/Qualitative)

School business administration

School effectiveness

School plant planning and management

Special Education

Staff professional growth and development

Teacher education

Teacher effectiveness

Theories of educational management

Please click here to view call for papers


Copyright (C) 2008-2016: International Journal of Scientific Research in Education (IJSRE)