Education Source

 Call for Review Board members


International Journal of Scientific Research in Education (IJSRE) knows the value and importance of the peer reviewers in the overall publication process in shaping individual manuscript, and also in shaping the reliability,  trustworthiness and reputation of a journal. IJSRE is committed to the timely publication of all credible empirical and conceptually based manuscripts submitted for consideration and possible publication. As such, the identification and selection of reviewers who have expertise and interest in the topics appropriate to each manuscript are essential elements in ensuring a timely, effective and productive peer review process. IJSRE is actively seeking individuals interested in serving as our volunteer Review Board member. If you are interested, please send an e-mail attaching your up-to-date Curriculum Vitae or Résumé to the editor-in-chief (editor.ijsre@gmail.com or editor@ijsre.com) or to the managing editor (admin@ijsre.com). In a short time the journal will respond to your inquiry. If you have a colleague who may enjoy serving on our volunteer Review Board as member, please feel free to forward our Web site address www.ijsre.com to him or her.


The Curriculum Vitae or Résumé should include among other things:


   Your  Name:

   Your Degree(s):

   Your Refereed Publications:

   Your E-mail Address:

   Your Telephone Number:

   Your Fax (optional):

   Your Postal Address:

   Your Country of Residence:

   Your Position, Department/Division:

   Your Institution:

   Web Site of Institution:

   Your Primary and Secondary Areas of Expertise:


Please click here to view call for papers


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