Education Source

Past Issues


Vol. 1, Issue 1. 2008


1.      An Evaluation of the Impact of the PSMDP on the Management Performance Areas from the Perspectives of the SMT’s.

        Monyatsi, P. P., Tsayang, G, T., Mhozya, C. & Bulawa, P.


2.      An Appraisal of Instructional Materials Used to Educate Migrant Fishermen’s Children in Rivers State, Nigeria

         Ogbondah L.


3.     Non-Formal Education as a Tool to Human Resource Development: An Assessment

        Egbezor, D. E. & Okanezi, B.


4.     Education in Eritrea: Developmental Challenges

        Rena, R.


Complete Issue Vol. 1(1)



Vol. 2, Issue 1. 2009


1.     Towards Accomplishing the Goal of the World of Work through Social Studies Instruction: Possibilities and Challenges.

        Dube, O. & Moffat, P.


2.     The Impact of Perceived Stress and Stress Factors on Academic Performance of Pre-Diploma Science Students:

        A Malaysian Study.

        Rafidah, K., Azizah, A., Norzaid, M. D., Chong, S. C., Salwani, M. I. & Noraini, I.


3.    Applying Alternative Strategies for the Teaching of Values Education in Contemporary Society.

       Amaele, S.


4.    Resources Input as Condition for Sustainable Development in Nigerian Universities.

      Obielumani, I.


Complete Issue Vol. 2(1)


Vol. 2, Issue 2. 2009


1.    Teacher Trainees’ Level of Preparedness for Inclusive Education in Botswana Schools: Need for Change

       Mukhopadhyay, S., Molosiwa, S. M. & Moswela, E.


2.    Determining World Class University from the Evaluation of Service Quality and Students Satisfaction Level:

       An Empirical Study in Malaysia

       Zakaria, Z. B, Ahmad, A. B. & Norzaidi, M. D.


3.    Interaction Effects of Instructional Mode and School Setting on Students’ Knowledge of Integrated Science

       Agboghoroma, T. E.


4.    The Effect of Strategic Alignment on Strategic Information System Planning (SISP) Success:

       An Exploratory Study in Public Universities in Malaysia

       Basir, H. B. M & Norzaidi, M. D.


5.    Teacher Utilization of Instructional Equipment and Materials in Teaching Basic Electricity in Urban and Rural Technical


       Umunadi, K. E.


Complete Issue Vol. 2(2)


Vol. 3, Issue 1. 2010


1.    Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability Issues in Institutions of Higher Education: The Case of the University of


       Ketlhoilwe, M. J. & Jeremiah, K.


2.    The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Identify People at Risk of Oral Cancer: Empirical Evidence in Malaysian University

       Rosma, M. D.,  Sameem, A. K., Basir, A., Mazlipah, I. S. & Norzaidi, M. D.


3.    The Construction of Girls’ Motivational Orientations through their Social Engagement in School Mathematics

       Nkhwalume, A. A.


4.    Pedagogical Practices of Business Studies Teachers in Botswana Junior Secondary Schools: Are Teachers and Curriculum

       Planners Singing from the Same Hymnbook?

       Sithole, B. M.


5.    Determining Mediating Effect of Information Satisfaction on International Students’ College Choice: Empirical Evidence in

       Malaysia’s University

       Nurlida, I., Faridah, H., Nooraini, M. S. & Norzaidi, M. D.


6.    The Impact of Instructional Media on the Education of Youths on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria Urban Communities

       Adekola, G.


7.    The Rationality of Rotational Presidency: Multi-ethnicity Hampers Smooth Educational and Political Development

       Eresia-Eke , A.  & Eberiye, S. S.


Complete Issue Vol. 3(1)


Vol. 3, Issue 2. 2010


1.    Threat of Perceived Stereotype on Behaviour Related to Choice of and Practices in Teaching as a Career among Teacher


       Nenty, J. H.


2.    Prudential Approach to Resource Management in Nigerian Education: A Theoretical Perspective

       Agabi, C. O.


3.    Transfigurations of Nigerian Federalism

       Eresia-Eke, A. & Eberiye, S. S.


4.     Democratizing Education for the Enhancement of Education for Sustainable Development: A Challenge in Botswana

       Jotia, A. L.


5.     Secret Cults at Niger Delta University

        Epkenyong, S. N.


Complete Issue Vol. 3 (2)



Vol. 3, Issue 3. 2010


1.    The Operation of the Commerce Festival as an Activity Approach to Learning

       Cheung, C. K. & Emily, Y. M. N.


2.    Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Institutions in Southern Africa

       Ketlhoilwe, M. J.


3.    Education and Human Resource Planning In Nigeria: The Case of National Manpower Board (NMB)

       Agabi, C. O. & Ogah, J. I.


4.    Information and Communication Technology Empowerment of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Botswana

       Bose, K.


5.    The Role of Women in Sheep and Goats Production in Sub-Saharan Africa

       Hulela, K.


Complete Issue Vol. 3(3)


Vol. 4, Issue 1. 2011



1.    Reader-Response Approach: An Intervention in Composition Writing at Junior Secondary Schools in Botswana

       Adeyemi, D. A.


2.     The Introduction of Entrepreneurship Education to School Leavers in a Vocational Institute

        Chi-Kim Cheung, C. & Chan, Y. C. R.


3.     Bachelor of Education in Educational Management Students’ Perception of their Programme of Study: Case of University of


        Tsayang, G.


4.     Sources of Positive Stereotypes: Perspectives of Junior Secondary Students in Botswana

        Adeyemi, M. B.


5.     Street Trading and Child Labour in Yenegoa

        Ekpenyong, S. N. & Sibiri, A. E.


6.      Perceptions of Agriculture Science Teachers Regarding Negative Deviant Behaviours of Students in Senior Secondary

        Schools in Botswana

        Hulela, K. & Matsolo, W.


Complete Issue 4(1)


Vol. 4, Issue 2. 2011



1.      Realism with the Triangulation Techniques: The Effective Methods for Social Science Research

         Norzanah, N. M., Daud, N. M. & Jamaludin, N. L.


2.      African Scholars Publishing in American Online Journals: Emperical Analysis by an Editor

         Adewuyi, D. A.


3       Agriculture and Transportation in Rural Social Transformation

         Atemie, J. D. & Uzorka, M. C.


4       Youth Empowerment for National Development

         Eresia-Eke, A. & Eberiye, S. S.


5.      School Climate and Academic Performance in High and Low Achieving Schools: Nandi Central District, Kenya

         Makewa, L. N., Role, E. Role, J., & Yegoh, E.


6       Appraising the Performance of Secondary School Students on the WAEC and NECO SSCE from 2004 to 2006

         Kpolovie, P. J., Ololube, N. P. & Ekwebelem, A. B. I


7      Constructing an Emotional Intelligence Radar for Indian Professional College Students

        Malekar, S. & Mohanty, R. P.


8      Using Focus Group Interviews to Research Adolescent’s Beliefs and Perceptions of Sex, Sexuality, HIV and AIDS in

        Educational Settings: Methodological Successes and Challenges

        Jankie, D., Garegae, K. G. & Tsheko, G. N.


 Complete Issue 4(2)


 Vol. 4, Issue 3&4. 2011


1       Religious Freedom in Educational Institutions: Do Students Know their Rights?

         Rammolai, M.


2      Investigating Students’ Achievement in Mathematics through Non Technological Game Based Teaching

         Mustafa, J., Khan, A., & Ullah, A


3       Understanding the Social Studies Teachers’ Experiences:  Conceptions of Citizenship in Botswana

         Mhlauli, M. B.


4      The Effects of Use of Learning Strategies Training on Students Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning

        Fallahchai, R.


5      Training and Availability of Skills for Sustenance of Standard in Classroom Assessment Practices among Lesotho Teachers

        Phamotse, T., Nenty, H. J., & Odili, J. N.



Complete Issue 4(3&4)


Vol. 5, Issue 1. 2012



1       Education as an Economic Investment

         Agabi, C. O.


2       Borankana (Phathisi) Music Performance, Learning and Transmission among the Bakwena of Botswana

         Phibion, O. S.


3       Paradigms in 21st Century Global Science Education, a Review Essay of Derek Hodson’s Looking to the Future: Building a

         Curriculum for Social Activism

         McFarlane, D. A.


4       Training Pre-service Teachers in Environmental Education: The Case of Colleges of Education in Botswana

         Mosothwane, M., & Ndwapi, G.


5       Reflections on the Problems Encountered in the Teaching and Learning of English Language in Mozambique’s Public


         Mawere, M.


6       Evaluation of Teacher Factors Associated with Mathematics Performance in Primary Schools in Kenya

         Makewa, L. N., Role, E., Jackson K., Too, J. K. & Kiplagat, P.


7       Theory Vs Practice: The Case of Primary Teacher Education in Botswana

         Major, T. E, & Tiro, L.


Complete Issue Vol., 5(1)


Vol. 5, Issue 2. 2012


1       A Critical Assessment of the Role/Importance of Non-Formal Education to Human and National Development in Nigeria:

        Future Trends

        Ololube, N. P., & Egbezor, D. E.


2      The Influence of School and Community Choral Contests in the Introduction of Music Education in Botswana Schools.

        Phibion, O. S.


3      The Path taken so Far: Introducing Moral Education in Botswana Senior Secondary Schools

        Dinama, B.


4      Learning Related Vision Problems in School Age Children in Imo State University Primary and Secondary Schools

        Ihekaire, D. E., & Anyanwu, C.


5      The Role of Senior Secondary School Mathematics Teachers in the Development of Mathematics Curriculum in Botswana.

        Mosothwane, M.


6      Formal Education as a Panacea for Sustainable National Development: A Theoretical Discussion

        Uriah, O. A., & Wosu, J. I.


7       Assessment of Learners with Special Needs for Inclusive Education in Botswana: Issues and Challenges for schools

        Mangope, B., Kuyini, A. B., & Major, T.



Complete Issue Vol., 5(2)


Vol. 5, Issue 3. 2012



1       Application of Intelligence Indicators on Secondary School Safety and Security as a Measure of Learning Enhancement

         Amanchukwu, R. N.


2      Senior High School Students’ Understanding and Difficulties with Chemical Equations

         Baah, R., & Ampiah, J. G.


3      Global Partnership/Co-operation and Pragmatic Community Development: An Assessment of an EU-Micro Projects

         Programme (EU-MPP) in Selected Communities in Akwa Ibom State, South-South Nigeria

         Okon, D. E.


4       Cultural Inhibitions and the Rising Rate of Prostitution in Niger Delta

         Uzorka, M. C., & Orlu, C.


5      Cost-effective Employee Appreciation Strategies in Schools: A Review of Literature

         Wali, W. I,, & Elekwa, J. E.


6      The Effectiveness of Information and Communication Technology Curriculum: A Case of Private Senior Secondary Schools

         in Botswana

         Baliyan, S. P.


 7     Teacher Efficacies: Is Student Engagement Essential in Botswana Junior Secondary Schools?

         Moalosi, S. T. W.


8       An Investigation into Senior High School Students’ Difficulties and Understanding in Naming Inorganic Compounds by

         IUPAC Nomenclature

         Baah, R., & Anthony-Krueger, C.


 9      The Comparative Efficacy of Cyclopegic Drugs–Tropicamide and Cyclopentolate on School Children

         Ihekaire, D. E.


10    Micro-Credit for Micro-Enterprise: A Study of Women “Petty” Traders in Central Region, Ghana

        Otoo, B. K.


11    Drug Abuse in Nigerian Schools: A Study of Selected Secondary Institutions in Bayelsa State, South-South, Nigeria

        Ekpenyong, S. N.


Complete Issue Vol., 5(3)


Vol. 5, Issue 4. 2012


1      The Effect of Resource Room on Improving Reading and Arithmetic Skills for Learners with Learning Disabilities

         Al-Zoubi, S. M., & Rahman, M. S. B. A.


2       Exploring the Contextual Limitations of Angoff Grading Model: The Case of Botswana.

         Mogapi, M. O.


3      Cultural Concepts of Learning and Development

        Moalosi, W. T. S.


4      The Role of Education in Child Labour Eradication in Akwa Ibom State: A Review of Literature

        Ukommi, A. S.


Complete Issue Vol. 5(4)


Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2013


1      Academic Assessment of Students Work and Quality Assurance in Tertiary Institutions:  A Conceptual Framework.

        Azameti, M. S. K, & Adjei, E.


2      Inter-Professional Collaboration and Work Efficiency in Secondary Healthcare Delivery System in Rivers State.

        Onyekwere, L. A.


3      Barriers to Parental Involvement in Primary Schools: A case of Central North Region of Botswana.

        Mannathoko, M. C., & Mangope, B.


4      The Relationship between Individual Innovativeness and Self-efficacy Levels of Student Teachers

        Celik, K.


5      Theoretical Insights into Curriculum Reform in Botswana.

        Nkosana, L. M.


6      Quantitative Analysis of Human and Material Resources in the Implementation of Vocational and Technical Education in

        Rivers State, Nigeria.

        Osam, I.


7      Beginning Primary School Teachers’ Perspectives on the Role of Subject Specialization in Botswana Colleges of Education:

        Implications for the Professional Development of those who did not Specialize in Languages (English and Setswana)

        Mokotedi, S. T.


Complete Issue Vol., 6(1).


Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2013


1       The State of Guidance and Counselling Programmes in High Schools in Manicaland, Zimbabwe

         Mapfumo, J., & Nkoma, E


2       In-Service Needs for Educational Processes Skill Training of U.S. Food Safety Extension Educators

         Koundinya, V., & Martin, R.


3       Implementing Vocational and Technical Education Programmes in South-South Nigeria: A Case of Rivers State

         Osam, I.


4       The Satisfaction Level of Student Teachers with School Practice

         Sag, R.


5       The Indispensability of Utilitarian Evaluation Design in the Reformation of Nigerian Education

         Kpolovie, P. J., & Ololube, N. P.


6        Academic Staff Time Management Skills: Views from the Faculty of Education, Pamukkale University

          Erdem, A. R., & Gozel. E.


7      Knowledge and Participation in Capital Market Activities: The Ghanaian Experience

          Acquah-Sam, E., & Salami, K.


8       Turkish Teacher Candidates' Perceptions of “Media Literate Individual” Through Metaphors

         Arslan-Cansever, B.


9       Record Keeping Among Small Farmers in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects

         Dudafa, U. J.



Complete Issue Vol., 6(2)


Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2013


1       Understanding Elementary Students’ Argumentation Skills through Discrepant Event “Marbles in the Jar”.

         Akarsu, B., Bayram, K., Slisko, J., & Cruz, A. C.


2       Literature and Focus Group Analysis of the Approaches and Obstacle to Effective Educational Planning in Higher

         Education in an Emerging Economy.

         Ololube, N. P., & Kpolovie, P. J.


3       A Trial for Giving Studying Habit for Effective Teaching

         Savas, B.


4       Improving Industrial Harmony and Staff Performance in a School Organization through Effective Communication

         Mukoro, A. S.


5       Human Resource Development: Vocationalizing the Curriculum in Botswana

         Nthebolang, O. E.


6       Mathematics in Contemporary Societies: An Effective Tool for Achieving the Vision 20:2020 Agenda

         Ebisine, S. S.



7       Challenges in Academic Records Management in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana

         Azemati, M. S. K., & Adjei, E.


8      Social Studies Trainee Teachers’ Perceptions of their Community in Terms of Various Components of Sustainability:

         A Case Study from Kutahya City, Turkey.

         Senyurt, S.



Complete Issue Vol., 6(3)


Vol. 6, Issue 4, 2013


1        A Comparison of Teacher Candidates' Self-Efficacy on being Teachers in Multi-Grade Classes: Cases of Ege University and

          Mehmet Akif University.

          Arslan-Cansever, B., & Sag, R.


 2       The Dynamics of Curriculum Reforms in Botswana with Special Reference to Science Education.

         Mosothwane, M.


3        Prospective Science Teachers’ Understanding of the Nature of Science

          Zeha Yakar


4       Conflict Management and Resolution Strategies for Enhanced Personnel Productivity and Sustainable Administration in

          Higher Institutions in Nigeria

          Mukoro, A. S.


5        Being a Music Teacher: The Self in the Mirror of a School Principal

          Karakelle, S., & Duru, E. G.


6         Variables Affecting the Success of Students

           Savas, B., & Gürel, R.


7         Printmaking Art Education and a Wallboard Application Example in Arts Teaching Department

           Ayan, M. H.


8        Quality Assurance in the Nigerian Educational System: Matters Arising

          Kpolovie, P. J.


 Complete Issue Vol. 6(4)


Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2014


1        Threaded Discussions in the Online and Hybrid Learning Format: An Examination of their Effectiveness from the Students’


          Shelley, D. J., & Best, L.


2        Effective Conduct of Government Business in a Trust-Deficit Environment.

          Thom-Otuya, V. C., Ikechi, P. O., & Obindah, F.


3          Indecent Dressing and Awareness of Health Problems: A Study of ‘Sagging’ Dress Pattern Among Selected Male High

           School Students in Bayelsa State.

           Uzobo, E., Olomu, Y. M., & Ayinmoro, D. A.


4         Mother-Tongue Education in Botswana.

           Nkosana, L. B. M.


5         Education and Morality in a Multi-Cultural and Multi-Religious Society.

           Amaele, S., & Omordu, C.


6         Organizational Attractiveness: The Bases for Skill Attraction and Job Satisfaction in an Organization.

           Thom-Otuya, V. C., Opuwari, P. U., & Owuchukwa, D.


7         The Effectiveness of Teachers’ Professional Development Initiatives in Enhancing Teachers Growth in Botswana

           Secondary Schools

           Mphale, L. M.


8         School Inspection and Educational Supervision: Impact on Teachers’ Productivity and Effective Teacher Education

           Programs in Nigeria.

           Ololube, N. P., & Major, N. B.



 Complete Issue Vol., 7(1)


Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2014


1        The Challenges of Youth Restiveness and Educational Development in Rivers State.

          Uriah, O. A., Egbezor, D. E., & Ololube, N. P.


2        Communicative Disorder in Early Childhood: A Constructivist View.

          Odigie, V. O.


3        Determinants of Users’ Satisfaction on Selection of Mobile handsets: The case of India.

          Kalita, M., & Nath, R.


4        Occupational Stress and Employees Productivity in the Workplace.

          Ekundayo, J. A.


5        The Use of Accounting Information in Decision Making for Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Study of Selected Tertiary

          Institutions in Imo State.

          Nwaigburu, K. O., & Mark, B. U.


6        Qualification as a Determinant of Job Performance of Senior Sports Teachers as Rated by Principals in Junior Secondary

          Schools in Botswana.

          Kamela, B., Nenty, H. J., & Ramatlala, M.


7        University Autonomy and Academic Freedom: Implication for Nigerian Universities.

          Okai, N. O., & Worlu, P.



Complete Issue Vol., 7(2), 2014


Vol. 7, Issue 3, 2014



1       Developing an Assessment of Statistics Teaching Knowledge

         Haines, B.


2       Employee Development and Customer Service in the Workplace.

         Ekundayo, J. A.


3       The Impact of Concentration of Oil Companies on Post-primary Schools in Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni Local Government Area of

         Rivers State.

         Osam, I.


Complete Issue Vol., 7(3) 2014


Vol. 8 Issue 1 2015


1        A Comparison of Full-time and Part-time University Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Threaded Discussions in

         Online Learning.

         Best, L. M., & Shelley, D. J.


2       Integration of New Technologies in Teaching and Learning of Accounting in Public Tertiary Institutions: A critical role of an

         Accountancy Educator.

         Nwokike, F. O.


4       Classroom Processes, Student Learning and Development.

         Ochoma, M. U.


5        Impact of Training and Development on Workers Productivity: A Study of Selected Oil Service Companies in Port Harcourt.

          Ekundayo, J. A.



Complete Issue Vol., 8(1) 2015


Vol. 8 Issue 2 2015


1        Environmental Education in Botswana: A Socio-cultural Analysis of Children’s Participation.

          Silo, N., & Mswela, N.


2       Managing Higher Education: Implication for Graduate Unemployment in Rivers State.

          Amaechina, O. U.


3        Teamwork: A Panacea for University Effectiveness.

          Okai, N. O., Worlu, P. N.


4         Boko Haram: Nigeria’s Invincible Enemy.

           Siro. A. D.



 Complete Issue Vol. 8(2), 2015


Vol. 8 Issue 3 2015


1         Does Academic Level Affect Student Perceptions of Threaded Discussions in Online Learning

           Best, L. M., Shelley, D. J.


2         Assessing the Level of Compliance with the Minimum Academic Standards in Administration of Colleges of Education in

          Delta State, Nigeria

           Mukoro, A. S., Agabi, E.


3        Awareness and Views of Farming Households regarding Land Resource Degradation and Conservation-the case of Bule

         Hora, Ethiopia (2013)

          Eshetu, S.


 Complete Issue Vol. 8(3), 2015


Vol. 8, Issue 4, 2015


1       Causes of Low Enrollment of Physics as a Subject of Study by Secondary School Students in Nigeria: A Descriptive


         Mbamara, U. S., & Eya, P. E.


2       Democratic Citizenship Education in Botswana: Challenges & Prospects.

         Oats, R.


3       Investigating the  Practice  of  Alternative  Assessment  in  English  Classrooms: The Case of Selected Grade Nine English

        Teachers Assessment Practices.

         Wubshet, H., & Menuta, F.


Complete Issue Vol., 8(4), 2015


Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2016


1       The Effects of Analogy on Male and Female Chemistry Students’ Problem-Solving Ability in Electrolysis

         Gongden, E. J.


2        Establishing the Assessment Model for English Language Continuous Writing Component

          Mogapi, M. O.


3        Teacher Education and Teacher Efficacy do they Match in Botswana Colleges of Education

          Moalosi, W. T. S., & Matsoga, J. T.


4        Culture and Differential Item Functioning in National Examinations Council Senior School Certification Mathematics

          Multiple Choice Test in Nigeria

          Ebesine, S. S.


Complete Issue Vol., 9(1) 2016


Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2016


1       Ameliorating Student’s Performance and Attitude towards Chemistry through Chemistry Problem–Solving Techniques


         Delmang, T. K., & Gongden, E. J.


2       Assessment of the Population Dynamics of Diurnal Primates in Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria

         Ojo, F. T.


3       Assessment of the Lack of Sports Equipment as Constraint to the Teaching and Learning of Physical Education in the

        Secondary Schools in Kogi state, Nigeria. .

        Bamidele, B. B., Bamidele, B. O., & Obaseki, S. J.


4       Managing the Role of Science and Technology Education Programs in Promoting Enterprises for National Development in


         Osam, I.


5        Implementation of Environmental Education (EE) in History in Seychelles: The Case of the Beau Vallon Secondary School.

          Duval, N., & Kanene, K. M.


6      Impact of Students’ Parental Background on Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools in Obio/Akpor LGA, Rivers

         State, Nigeria.

         Ogbugo-Ololube, R.


7       The Place of Ecology in Academic Performance as Perceived by Students in Nandi, Kenya. .

         Yegoh, E., Kiplagat, P., & Tuimur, R.


Complete Issue 9(2), 2016



Vol. 9, Issue 3, 2016


1        Physical Activity of Adults Aged 50 Years and Older in Canada

          Kayapinar, F. C, & Savas, B.


2        Nigerian Business Environment Daunting: Challenges and Suggested Solutions

          Obisi, C., & Gbadamosi, A. A. O.


3       Indigenous Songs and Games in the Classroom

         Kekana, S. M.


3       Body Mass Index (BMI) Scores and Attitudes towards Physical Activity

         Kayapinar, F. C, & Savas, B.


5       The Empirical Validity of the Adjustment to Virtual Work Arrangement by Business Organisations in Anambra State

         Obisi, C.


6      Relationship between Funding and the Successful Organization of the Bi-Annual Sports Competitions in

        Unity Schools in Nigeria

        Bamidele, B. B., & Ige, P. T.


 Complete Issue 9(3), 2016



Vol. 9, Issue 4, 2016


1        Low Birth Rate Policy: A Global Adoption to Alleviate Savings and Investment of Nations.

          Ojo, F. T.


2        The Relevance of Faith in Winning Competitive Business Advantage in Business Organisations:

           A Study of Selected Banks in Lagos, Nigeria.

          Obisi, C.


3        Enriching the Role/Importance of Social Workers in Promoting Peaceful and Inclusive Society for

          Sustainable Development.

          Onyekwere, L. A.


4        Mathematics Education: Resourcefulness for effective Research.

          Otikor,  M. S.


5       Impact of Human Capital Development on Digitisation Process in the Media Industry.

          Obisi, C., & Remi, S.


6       The Influence of Militancy Variables on Educational Development of Secondary Schools in Rivers State,


          Ogbugo-Ololube, R.


7       The Importance of Incorporating Environmental Education (EE) into Teacher Education Programmes in


          Agbor, C. N.


8       Youth Polytechnic Students’ Perception of Vocational Training in Nandi County, Kenya.

         Metto, W. K.


9       Gender Mainstreaming as Index of Sustainable Human Development in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects

         Okon, D. E.


10      Nigerian University Quota Admission System and Quality of Education in Universities in Cross River State,


          Odigwe, F., & Swem, T.


11      Education Fund Misappropriation and Mismanagement and the Provision of Quality Higher Education

          in Nigeria

          Ololube, N. P.


12       Cognitive Enrichment Advantage: Can it have an Impact on the Effectiveness of Pre-service Teachers in


           Moalosi, W. T. S.


Complete Issue Vol., 9(4), 2016



Vol. 10 Issue 1, 2017



1          Bridging the Gap in the Current Global Initiative in Validation Process in Psychometrics: Nigerian


            Essen, C. B., Ukofia, I. F., Bassey, B. A., & Idika, D. O.


2         Influence of Free Primary Education on Performance in KCPE in Chemundu Zone, Kapsabet Division in

           Nandi County, Kenya.

           Metto, W. K.


3         The Media and Corruption in Nigeria.

            Akani, C.


4         Developing a Checklist for Assessing the Appropriateness of Education Degree Research Projects in

           South-Eastern Universities, Nigeria.

           Onah, F. E., & Amaechi, C. E.


5         The Influence of Goal setting, Motivation, Job demand, Parental support, Unemployment and Peer

           influence on Scrambling for Postgraduate studies among Nigerian Youths.

           Animasahun, R. A.


6         Effects of Ethno-Science Instructional Approach on Students’ Achievement and Interest in Upper

           Basic cience and Technology in Benue State, Nigeria.

           Okwara, O. K., & Upu, F. T.


7         The Attitudes of Turkish and Croatian University Students towards Exercise.

           Kayapınar, F. C., Savas, B., & Getto, L.


8         Effect of Explicit Problem Solving Instruction on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Physics.

           Adegoke, B. A.


9         Evaluation of the Application of ICT in Continuous Assessment by Academic Staff of Universities in Abia

           State, Nigeria.

           Ihechu, K. J., & Ugwuoji, N.


10      Teachers Variables and Application of Test Blue Prints in Learners Assessment in Secondary Schools in

           Cross River State.

           Ovat, S., & Ofem, U. S.


11       Assessment of Selected Science Process Skills Acquisition among Senior Secondary Schools Students in

           Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria.

           Amanso, E. O. I., & Bassey, B. A



Complete Issue Vol., 10(1), 2017


Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2017.


127-136     Classroom Management and the Attainment of Education Objectives in Primary Schools in Nigeria.

                  Nwiyi, G. U.


137-147     Effect of Projected Instructional Media on Senior Secondary School Students Achievement in Biology.

                  Okwara, O. L., Anyagh, P. I., & Ikyaan, G. S.


148-155     Sustainable Development: A Case for Female-Headed Households in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.

                  China, M. A., Lilly, G., & Igbemi, M. J.


156-168     Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) as a Strategy for Employment Generation in Nigeria:

                   A Study of Selected Manufacturing Companies in Delta State of Nigeria.

                   Abeh, O.


169-175     Cultism as a Ticking Time Bomb in Nigerian Schools: Challenges and the Way Forward.

                  Birabil, S. T., & Okanezi, B.


176-190     Perception of Parents towards Sex Education on Primary School Pupils in Calabar Education Zone of

                  Cross River State, Nigeria.

                  Esuabana, S.


191-200     Perceived Effects of Marital Crisis on Academic Performance of Adult Learners of National Teachers

                  Institute (PGDE Centres) in Rivers State

                  Okanezi, B., & Hanachor, M. E.


201-211     Effect of Gender Imbalance in The Enrolment of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Gwagwalada

                  Area Council, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria.

                  Afu, M. O., Gbobo, V. F., Ukofia, I. F., Itakure, Z. S.


212-220     Migration and Resettlement Challenges of Bakassi Returnees in Yenagoa.

                  Ingiabuna, E. T.


221-227     Effect of Diagnostic and Feedback Assessment Approaches in Enhancing Achievement in Mathematics

                  among Secondary School Students in Calabar Municipality.

                  Ofem, U. J., Idika, D., & Ovat, S. V.


228-245     Niger Delta Crisis and the Challenges of Development in the Region

                  Dudafa, U. J.


             Complete Issue Vol., 10(2)  2017



Vol. 10, Issue 3, 2017.


228-242    Effects of High-Stakes Examinations on the Teaching and Learning of Physics in Secondary Schools in


                  Adegoke, B. A.


243-260     Students’ Perceptions of the Mini-Enterprise in Botswana Junior Secondary Schools.

                  Solomon, G. E., Sithole, B. M., & Nhete, T.


261-271     Prolonged Hospitalisation of Terminally-Ill Patients and its Impact on Family Care Givers at the Benue

                  State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi, Nigeria.

                  Atsua, T. G., & Igyar, T. J.


272-277     Planning Teachers’ Workload for Effective Service Delivery in the School System.

                  Adiele, E. E.


278-294     The Problems and Prospects of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) Growth and Development

                  in Nigeria: A Study of Selected SMEs in Delta State.

                  Ossai, Abeh


295-310     Predictive Estimates of Psycho-Socio-Personal Variables on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB)

                  among Personnel of NSCDC in South-Western Nigeria.

                  Animasahun, R. A., & Aremu, S. O.


311-324     Connecting Mathematics to Real Life Problem using Instructor Quality and Availability, Mathematics

                  Facility and Teacher Motivation for Prediction.

                  Arthur, Y. D., Asiedu–Addo, S., & Assuah, C.


325-342     Administrators In-service Needs in Higher Education in South-South Nigeria.

                  Wali, W. I.


343-351     Principals’ Managerial Techniques as Correlates of Teachers’ Service Delivery in Public Secondary

                  Schools in Rivers State.

                  David-West, T. M., & Kaegon, L. S. E.


352-361     Factors Hindering Effective Production and Utilization of Teacher-Made Instructional Materials in Teaching

                  Senior Secondary Chemistry in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria.

                  Achimugu, L., & Onojah, P. K.


362-270     Institutional Activities and Accreditation of Higher Education Academic Programmes in the Era of Economic

                  Recession in Cross River State, Nigeria.

                  Udida, U. J., Essien, E. S., & Pisca, J. I.


271-289     Overview of Agricultural Education in India: A Review.

                  Chaudhary, A. P., & Chaudhary, H. A.


290-299     Promotion of Computer Forensics Education in Nigeria: Implications for National Security.

                  Chigozie-Okwum, C., Micheal, D., & Ugboaja, S.


                Complete Issue Vol., 10(3)  2017


Vol. 10, Issue 4, 2017.


300-317     Segismundo, M. C. D. (2017). Organizational Communication Efficiency Assessment Scale for Senior

                  College Students: A Factor Analysis.

                  Segismundo, M. C. D.


318-328     Issues and Concerns in Personnel Auditing in the Management of Basic Education in a Recessed

                  Economy: Spotlight on Rivers State.

                   Abraham, N. M., & Afangideh, S. T.


329-337     An Investigation of Qualified Social Studies Teachers in Post-Primary Schools in Rivers State.

                  Abie, S.


338-346     Fundamental Challenges in the Administration of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria.

                  Agi, U. K.


347-361    Teachers’ Academic Qualification and Teachers Years of Teaching Experience: Effective Implementation

                  of Upper Basic Social Studies Curriculum in Rivers State.

                  Nwanekezi, A. U., & Ibekwe, M. P.


362-372    Cognitive Test Anxiety as a Predicator of Academic Achievement among Secondary School Students in

                  Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State.

                  Amalu, M. N.


373-378     Advocacy for School Libraries in Nigeria.

                  David-West, B. T., & Bassey, M. M.


379-387    The Historical Perspectives of Land Acquisition for Sustainable Development in Rivers State:

                  A Case Study of Ikwerre Ethnic Nationality in Nigeria 1913-2015.

                  Ikunga, S. A.


388-400    Online Teaching and Learning: Challenges Encountered by Online Freshmen in Pursuance of Higher

                  Degree in Nigeria.

                  Amadi, R., & Oriji, A.


401-412    Teachers Education and Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects.

                  Nnokam, N. C., & Sule, H.


413-424     Integrated Curriculum, Cooperative (Jigsaw II) and Project Based Learning Applications.

                  Demir, K., & Senemoğlu, N.


425-439     Privatisation and Political Challenges in Nigeria, 1999-2007.

                  Orluwene, O. B.


440-450     Effects of Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (Rebt) on Curbing Examination Malpractice Behaviour

                   Among Public Secondary School Students in Calabar Municipality.

                   Ntamu, B. A.


                   Complete Issue  Vol., 10(4), 2017


Vol. 10, Issue 5, 2017.


451-459     Analyzing Ba, Mariama (1979) book, “So long a letter” from a Citizenship Education Lens.

                  Mhlauli, M. B.


560-473     The Effectiveness of the Chemistry PBL Method via Facebook on the Soft Skills of College Students.

                  Sunar, M. S. M., & Shaari, A. J.


474-482     Privatisation and Employment Generation in Nigeria: Myth or Reality (1999-2007).

                  Orluwene, O. B., & Selem-Amachree, I.


483-504     Evaluating Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS): Gender differences, the most and least used (VLS)

                  among Angolan EFL Students at the Faculty of Arts (Luanda, Angola).

                  Manuel, N. N.


505-519    Teachers’ Perspectives on Learning Strategies Utilised by Standard Five ESL Learners in Reading for

                  Comprehension Across the Curriculum in Primary Schools in Botswana.

                  Mokotedi, R. T., & Mhlauli, M. B.


520-532     Teachers’ Voices on School Toilet Sanitation.

                  Kasule, D., Silo, N., & Seetso, G. T.


533-540     Teen-Perception and Communication Style in Adolescent Counseling: The River Between.

                   Azunwena, R. N.


541-555     The Development of Secondary and University Education in Rivers State of Nigeria: The Compelling

                  Forces and their Realities.

                  Uriah, O. A., & Okachikwu-Agbaraeke, O.


556-563     Swimming in Flood Waters: An Examination of the Syrian Spring.

                  Eremie, V. T.


564-572     Curbing Youth Restiveness in Rivers State: The Role of Adult Education.

                   Alozie, K., & Torutein, O.


573-576     Women Empowerment and Indian Constitution.

                  Singh, R. K.


577-589     Psychometric Properties of English Language in Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination

                  Questions in Rivers State.

                  Joe-Kinanee, J. N. B., & Opara, I. M.


590-600     Art and Design Discourse: A Critical Review of Botswana Lower Primary School Creative and Performing

                  Arts Texts for Curricula Relevance and Alignment

                  Mannathoko, M. C.



                  Complete Issue  Vol., 10(5), 2017


Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2018.


1-27           Expatriate Teachers’ Multicultural Competence and Students’ Attitude towards the Expatriate.

                  Wubshet, H., & Menuta, F.


28-50         Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching Geography in Secondary

                  Schools in Obio/Akpor, Rivers state, Nigeria.

                  Abraham, L. N., & Chuku, B. J.


51-62        Systems Approach to Entrepreneurial Education: A Panacea to Business Skills in Nigeria Tertiary Institution.

                 Amadi, R., & Opara, D. N. C.


63-70        Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Academic Performance among Secondary School Students in

                 Makurdi Metropolis of Benue State.

                 Amalu, M. N.


71-89        Planned Educational Change and Innovation Process in Nigeria: Evaluation of Universal Basic Education.

                 Chiemeka-Unogu, C. M.


90-98        Estimating the Socio-Economic Implications of Wastage Rate in the Nigerian University Education System.

                 Leigha, M. B.


99-105      Globalizing Secondary Education for National Growth and Productivity.

                 Osuji, C. U.


106-116     Awareness and Compliance to Legal Deposit Law by Book Publishers in Rivers State, Nigeria.

                  Mmejim, I. C.


117-126     Nigerian Police Force and Administration of the School in the Period of Security Challenges in Nigeria.

                  Wali, W. I.


127-136     Effective Implementation of Universal Basic Education in Rivers State: Role and Utilization of Physical


                  Agi, U. K., & Eremie, I.


137-146     Management of Human Resources and Academic Achievement of Government Secondary School

                  Students in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State.

                  Orluwene, O. B., & Ndioho, O. F.


147-153    Computer in Primary Education Administration in Government Schools Tanzania.

                 Temu, H. H.


154-163    Researchers and User-Generated Content: What we Get, What is the Quality, and how we Ascertain the

                 Credibility? Three Mandatory Questions for Internet Resource Users.

                  Amadi, R., & Oriji, A.


                  Complete Issue Vol., 11(1), 2018




Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2018.



175-186    School Climate and Student Academic Achievement in Edo State Public Secondary Schools.

                 Omemu, F.


187-203    Multimedia and Language Acquisition: English Language Learners in Jazan University.

                  Alhanash, A. A. S.


204-219    Principals Participation in Staff Development Programmes for Effective Performance in Public Secondary

                 Schools in Rivers State.

                 Chiemeka-Unogu, C. M.


220-227    Lecturer’s Qualification in Universities and Sustainable Development in Ondo State, Nigeria.

                 Aade, F. O.


228-237    Socio-Political Considerations in the Management of Nigerian Teachers: Implications for Educational

                 Governance in Rivers State

                  David-West, T. M.


228-246    The Role of Social Studies Education in the Economic Recovery and Stability of Nigeria.

                  Gibson, M. K., & Paulley, F. G.


247-264    Historical Analysis of Educational Policies in Nigeria: Trends and Implications.

                  Daniel-Kalio, B.


265-275    Exercise and Good Nutrition: Roadmaps Towards Aging Gracefully Among Growing Adults in Nigeria

                 Joseph, R., & Kimisoutei, S. I.


276-291    A Conceptual Framework of Demographic and Personality Variables in Principals’ Performance in the

                 Management of Secondary Schools.

                 Walson, O. B. A., & Yellowe, A.


292-317   Single-Parenthood and Juvenile Delinquency among Secondary School Students in Rivers State

                 Elechi, S. A. & Urial, O. A.



Vol. 11, Issue 3, 2018.


318-334     The ‘Need to Transcend’: A Phenomenological Study on the Lived Experiences of Millennial Teachers.

                   Lacdo-O, F. L., Macawile, M. V. P., & Caliwan, M. A.


335-344     Contract of Apprenticeship and Employment Generation in Nigeria.

                   Olulu, R. M., & Udeorah, S. A. F.


345-356     Expanding Access to Education Opportunity in Nigeria: Matters Arising.

                   Agile, H. E.


357-371     Ethical Issues in Nigerian Education a Philosophical Rejoinder.

                  Mbagwu, J. U.


372-391     Fighting Corruption in Nigeria for National Development: The Role of African Indigenous Education.

                  Paulley, F. M., & Buseri, J. C.


392-410     Historical Analysis of Educational Policies in Colonial Nigeria from (1842-1959) and its Implication to

                  Nigerian Education Today.

                  Bunting, O. E.


411-419     Multinational Corporation and the Socio-economic Development of Nigeria.

                  Uzorka, M. C., & Ojima, D.


420-436     Historical Analysis of Educational Policies in Nigeria from 1908–1977 and its Implication in Modern Nigeria.

                  Njoku, M.


437-447     Acceptability of Big Books as Reading Materials in Teaching Mother Tongue.

                  Tabulao, J. A., Macawile, M. V. P., Yodico, R. C.


448-454     Marine Resource Development and Economic Diversification in Nigeria: An Examination of Grand Bonny,

                  Rivers State, Nigeria.

                  Hart, A., & Eremie, V. T.


455-466     Self-Regulatory Attributes and Academic Performance in Mathematics among Secondary School Students

                  in Enugu Education Zone, Enugu State.

                  Ekuri, E. E., & Offiah, C. I.



Vol. 11, Issue 3B, 2018.




481-492     Social Welfare Services for the Vulnerable: A Sine qua non for the Formulation of a Comprehensive Social

                   Welfare Policy for Healthy Living in Nigeria.

                   Oriji, C. C.


493-520     In-Service Training and Teachers’ Job Performance in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Rivers State.

                  Maclean, I. F.


521-528     Verbal Ability and Grammatical Competence as Determinants of Secondary School Students’ Writing


                  Ogunyemi, K. O., & Adebowale, E. O.


529-544     Juvenile Infraction in Selected Secondary Schools in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.

                   Nwachukwu, U.


545-576     Principals Fund Management Strategies for Effective Administration of Public Secondary Schools.

                   Amirize, M., & Ololube, N. P.


577-612     Teachers Job Motivation and Quality Education Delivery in Mission Secondary Schools.

                   Orupabo, F. T., & Nwankwoala, H. N.


613-620     Perceived Effects of Religious and Cultural Belief on Students’ Participation in Sports among Universities


                  the Geo-Political Zones, Nigeria.

                  Deemua, G. A., & Nwankwo, G. O.


621-626     The Role of Nutrition Education in Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Security.

                   Ifejimalu, A. C., & Onuoha, C. U.


627-635     Item Response Theory (IRT): A Modern Statistical Theory for Solving Measurement Problem in 21st


                  Ogunsakin, I. B., & Shogbesan, Y. O.


636-644     Influence of Sports Administrator’s Demographic Variables in Grassroots Sports Development in Abia North

                  Senatorial Zone in Abia State.

                  Deemua, G. A., & Ndukwe, U. N.



Complete Issue Vol., 11(4), 2018



645-664      Analysis of the Visual Materials from Turkish Social Studies Textbooks in Terms of Their Types,

                   Communicative Functions and Features.

                   Sensekerci, E.


665-674      Talent and Staff Knowledge Management Strategies of Academic Heads of Departments for Teaching

                    Improvements in Rivers State Universities.

                    Kaegon, L. E. S., & Ejiogu, G. C.


675-685      Effective Preparation of Mathematics Teachers in ICT towards the Implementation of Mathematics

                   Curriculum in the 21st Century.

                    Otikor, M. S.


686-695      Effects of Computer-Assisted Jigsaw II, Team Assisted Instruction and Learning Together Cooperative

                   Instructional Strategies on Basic Science Students’ Attitude, Achievement and Retention in Upper Basic


                   Fatokun, F. V. K., & Samuel, R. I.


696-705      Education Law and Facility Management at the Secondary School Level in Nigeria.

                    Agi, U. K., & Ereme, I.


706-715      Management of Functional Public Universities for Leadership Values Re-orientation and National

                   Development in Rivers State.

                   Kaegon, L. E. S.


716-724      Effect of Simulation Instructional Package on Upper Basic Science Students’ Interest, Achievement

                   and Retention in Body Systems.

                   Samuel, R. I.


725-731      Succession Planning, Workshop and Academic Job Performance of Teachers in Public Secondary

                   Schools in Rivers State.

                   Odigwe, B., & Abraham, N. M.


732-744      Strengthening Local Government Councils for Effective Community Development Programming in


                   Etigbamo, E. J.


745-755      Teachers Decry Indiscipline among Students in Botswana: Hidden Curriculum Strategies as a Panacea.

                   Oats, R.


756-782      Effective Leadership Style as Correlate of Staff Performance in Universities in Rivers State.

                    Bamson, E. F., & Ololube, N. P.


783-796      Efficacy of Cooperative Learning Strategy on Fifth Graders’ Achievement of English Language Tests in

                   Tafila Directorate of Education.

                    Al.qomoul, M.


797-809      Concept Mapping Strategy and its Effects on Students’ Performance in Senior Secondary School

                   Organic Chemistry in Imo State of Nigeria.

                   Ariaga, B. A., & Nwanekezi, A. U.

645-664      Analysis of the Visual Materials from Turkish Social Studies Textbooks in Terms of Their Types,

                   Communicative Functions and Features.

                   Sensekerci, E.


665-674      Talent and Staff Knowledge Management Strategies of Academic Heads of Departments for Teaching

                    Improvements in Rivers State Universities.

                    Kaegon, L. E. S., & Ejiogu, G. C.


675-685      Effective Preparation of Mathematics Teachers in ICT towards the Implementation of Mathematics

                   Curriculum in the 21st Century.

                    Otikor, M. S.


686-695      Effects of Computer-Assisted Jigsaw II, Team Assisted Instruction and Learning Together Cooperative

                   Instructional Strategies on Basic Science Students’ Attitude, Achievement and Retention in Upper Basic


                   Fatokun, F. V. K., & Samuel, R. I.


696-705      Education Law and Facility Management at the Secondary School Level in Nigeria.

                    Agi, U. K., & Ereme, I.


706-715      Management of Functional Public Universities for Leadership Values Re-orientation and National

                   Development in Rivers State.

                   Kaegon, L. E. S.


716-724      Effect of Simulation Instructional Package on Upper Basic Science Students’ Interest, Achievement

                   and Retention in Body Systems.

                   Samuel, R. I.


725-731      Succession Planning, Workshop and Academic Job Performance of Teachers in Public Secondary

                   Schools in Rivers State.

                   Odigwe, B., & Abraham, N. M.


732-744      Strengthening Local Government Councils for Effective Community Development Programming in


                   Etigbamo, E. J.


745-755      Teachers Decry Indiscipline among Students in Botswana: Hidden Curriculum Strategies as a Panacea.

                   Oats, R.


756-782      Effective Leadership Style as Correlate of Staff Performance in Universities in Rivers State.

                    Bamson, E. F., & Ololube, N. P.


783-796      Efficacy of Cooperative Learning Strategy on Fifth Graders’ Achievement of English Language Tests in

                   Tafila Directorate of Education.

                    Al.qomoul, M.


797-809      Concept Mapping Strategy and its Effects on Students’ Performance in Senior Secondary School

                   Organic Chemistry in Imo State of Nigeria.

                   Ariaga, B. A., & Nwanekezi, A. U.


810-817     Competence Improvement Needs of an Undergraduate Programme in a Nigerian University for

                  Coaching and Performance of Occupational Therapy.

                  Olaosebikan, B. T., Abdullah, A., Opara, J. A., & Myfriend, B. K.



Complete Issue Vol., 11(5), 2018


818-827      The impact of mutually set target on employees’ effectiveness and organizational performance in

                   selected banks in Port Harcourt.

                   Orji, N. N., Anele, K. A., & Badey, D.


828-846      Classroom Control Techniques and Pupils’ Academic Performance in Basic Science and Technology

                   in Public Primary Schools in Ekeremor Local Government Area, Bayelsa State.

                   Wadi, B. W., & Newman, F.


847-858      Managing School Incentive Plans and Work-Life Balance Measures for Teacher Retention in

                   Secondary Schools in Rivers State.

                   Igbudu, J. N., & Abraham, N. M.


859-869     Community Need Assessment of the University of Calabar Library.

                   Wiche, H. H., & Tom-George, N.


870-878      The Knowledge of Married Men and Women about Family Planning Practices in Ekiti State, Nigeria.

                   Babatunde, J. O., Osakinle, E. O., & Olusola, J. O.


879-893      Reasons Behind University Students’ Vulnerability to Write a Well-organized Paragraph in Arabic


                   Al.qomoul, M.


894-901      Information Technology and the Escalation of Cyber Crime in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.

                   Uzorka, M. C., & Nweyilobu, A. C.


902-911      Perceived Effects of Environmental Factors on Teaching and Learning of Basic Science and

                   Technology in Benue State, Nigeria.

                   Upu, F. T., & Okwara, O. K.


912-920      Coaches Leadership Styles as Correlate of Interscholastic Sports Participation among Secondary

                   School Students in Rivers East Senatorial District of Rivers State.

                   Deemua, G. A., & Chinda, O. P.


921-927      Lecturers’ Perception of Government Investment in Education and Institutional Effectiveness in Cross

                   River State.

                   Odigwe, F. N., & Okoi, I. I.


928-939      Women and Human Rights Violations in Nigeria.

                   Olulu, R. M., & Oriji, C. C.


940-963      Classroom Management and Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in

                   Rivers State.

                   Sunday-Piaro, M.


964-971      Music in Early Childhood Education: Pre-Service Teachers Beliefs.

                   Kekana, S. M.


972-979      Constraints on Funding Systems for Small Scale Enterprises in Delta South Senatorial District, Nigeria.

                   Okoye, K. R. E., & Ogbotubo, E.



Vol. 11, Issue 6, 2018.


980-1016      Psychosocial Problems of Children with Visual and Hearing Impairment in Port-Harcourt Metropolis,

                     Rivers State.

                     Okiridu, N.


1017-1027     Developing Excellent Entrepreneurial Thinking in National Diploma Students’ in Delta State School

                      of Marine Technology, Burutu.

                      Ogbotubo, E.


1028-1040     Institutional Policy and Management: Types and Barriers to Effective Decision-Making.

                      Ejekwu, R. A.


1041-1058     Teachers’ Welfare and Commitment as Determinants of Productivity in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

                       Igbogi, I.


1059-1085     Home Background and Disciplinary Problems among Senior Secondary School Students in

                       Ahoada East Local Government Area of Rivers State.

                      Ogenma, U.


1086-1117     Principals Leadership Styles and Academic Achievement of Students in External Examinations in

                      Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

                      Numa, E. C.


1118-1129     Use of Koha Open Source Software and Library Automation in University Libraries in South-South,


                      Umahi, O. B.


1130-1148     Leadership and Autonomy for University Effectiveness.

                      Okachi, J. W., & Boma-Cookey, C. S.


1149-1156     Vocational Training for Enhancing Individual Fulfillment and Quality of Family Life in Nigeria.

                      Opara, J. A., Azubuike, O. C., & Mbah, P. E.


1157-1165     Towards Effective Administration of Universities in South-South States of Nigeria: Facility Issues

                      and Challenges

                      Ibara, E. C.


1166-1179     Management Practices to Overcome Challenges of Employee Diversity Traits in Secondary Schools

                      in Rivers State for National Integration

                      Owhondah, S. N., & John, I.


1180-1192     Managing Knowledge and Talent Management Activities for Teacher Retention in Secondary

                      Schools in Rivers State.

                      Igbudu, J. N., & Afangideh, S. T.


1193-1200     Parental support and involvement as a correlate of students’ academic achievement in secondary

                      school chemistry in Rivers state.

                      Pepple, T. F.


1201-1210     Some correlates of senior secondary students’ achievement in chemistry practical skills.

                      Ogologo, G. A., & Pepple, T. F.



Vol. 12, Issue 1, 2019.



1-14      Issues and challenges of funding tertiary institutions in Bayelsa State.

              Igbinedion, D. A., & Torupere, K.


15-33     Teaching pre-service teachers who perceive fear and ignorance of chemicals: why should this be a

               concern to chemistry teachers?

               Iwuanyanwu, P.


34-43     Managing Innovations in Curricular Offerings and Modes of Communication for Service Delivery in

              Universities in Rivers State.

               Afangideh, S. T., & Agha, C. J.


44-53     Environmental Health in Developing Countries: Adopting Inclusiveness.

              Dare, A. E.


54-65     The Problems Encountered by Students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences in the Skill of Speaking

               Classical Arabic from their Point of View.

               Al-Hajaya, N. M. S.


66-79     Principals’ Curricular and School-Community Relations Instrumentalities for Sustaining Peaceful Learning

              Environments in Secondary Schools in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

              Ben, A. O. M., & Afangideh, S. T.


80-89     Assessing Disaster Preparedness and Awareness in Distance Learning Education Program

              Suson, R. L.


90-95     Counselling for National Security and Political Stability in Nigeria.

              Ordu, S. N., & Owhonda, N. G.


96-104    Problems Encountered in Doing Research by the Grade 12 Students of Schools in San Manuel District,

               San Manuel, Isabela S.Y. 2018–2019.

               Versoza, N. G.


105-134  Build an Attitude Scale Measuring Attitude Toward Mathematics.

               Yamani, A.


135-143  Microsoft PowerPoint Applications and Office/Information Managers’ Job Performance in Rivers State

               Tertiary Institution.

               Opara, D. N. C., & Azubuike, E. O.


144-150  Investigation of Locus Beans Waste Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement in Concrete Structures.

                Ali, H., Babatunde, R. I., & Adejoh, B. O.


151-163  Change and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Nigerian Universities.

               Wali, T. J., & Okai, N. O.


164-189  Job Stress Management among Secondary School Principals in Rivers State, Nigeria.

                Alasomuka, A. V.



Vol. 12, Issue 2, 2019.



190-214     Implementation of the Child’s Rights to Quality Education Delivery in the Administration of Secondary

                  Schools in Rivers State.

                  Obinachi, C., Igwe, L. E. B., & Nzokurum, J. C.


215-222     A Causal Model of Correlates of Attitude Towards Computer Based Testing Among Prospective

                  University Students of the University of Calabar, Nigeria.

                  Ekuri, E. W., Agbo, O. E., & Egbai, J. M.


223-230     Global Memorandum of Understanding Policy Implementation and the much Desired Economic


                   Elisha. O. D.


231-239     Interest in Social Interaction and Self-Efficacy Among Secondary School Students in Cross River State.

                  Bekomson, A. N., & Mgban, A.


240-251     The Role of Training Employees in Managing Workplace Accident in the Oil and Gas Industry in Rivers

                  State Nigeria.

                   Akpu, V., & Olele, C.


252-265    Teachers Morale and Students Learning Outcomes in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Imo State,


                  Benstowe, L. O., & Ibara, E. C.


266-278     Validation Procedures in Research and Evaluation: Implications for Quality Education in Nigeria.

                   Asuk, U. W.


279-289     Laboratory and Sports Management Practices of Educational Administrator for Secondary School

                  Environmental Safety in Rivers State of Nigeria.

                  Afangideh, S. T., & Okoh, F. P.


290-305     Teachers Capacity Building Skills and Students learning Outcomes in Junior Public Secondary

                   Schools in Rivers State.

                   Igwe, M. O., & Ibara, E. C.


306-319     Staff Personnel and School-Community Relations Management Practices of Educational Administrators

                  for Secondary School Environmental Safety in Rivers State of Nigeria.

                  Okoh, F. P., & Abraham, N. M.


320-329      Gender Differences in Basic Science Achievement of Private Junior Secondary School Students in

                   Obio/Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State.

                   Godpower-Echie, G., & Owo, W. J.


330-338     Conflict Management Strategies among Secondary Schools Principals in Rivers State.

                   Akpomi, M. E., & Agreen, E. O.


339-351     Evaluation of the Implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Rivers State: Implication for


                  Ordu, S. N., & Nwamadi-Wosu, L.



Vol. 12, Issue 3 2019.



 259-266  Determinants of Parental Influence on Career Choice among secondary school students in Cross River

                State, Nigeria.

                Effiom, B. E., & Petters, J. S.


267-274  Perceptions of Students towards Premarital Sex in Etche Local Government Area of Rivers State:


               for Counselling.

               Ordu, S. N.


275-286   Libraries Role in Information Services for Conflict Resolution and True Democracy in Nigeria.

                Mmejim, I. C., & Umahi, B. O.


287-297   Family Background and Social Development of Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Etche Local Government


                Benebo-Solomon, W.


298-305  Utilizing Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Oil Companies in Alleviating Poverty of Host

               Communities in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.

               Etigbamo, E. J., & Torutein, O. K.


306-316  Philosophy of Education and National Development: The Nexus.

                Mbagwu, J. U., & Igbegiri, D. C.


317-325  The Attitude of Parents towards Girl-Child Education in Etche Local Government Area of Rivers State.

                Ordu, S. N.


326-350  Policy Implementation and the Challenges of Leadership in Nigerian Universities.

                Daniel-Kalio, B.


351-359   Scafolding and Cooperative Instructional Strategies on Academic Performance in Genetics of Secondary

                School Students in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria.

                Etobro, B. A.


360-376  Leadership and Environmental Influence on Students Academic Performance in Universities.

                Agile, H. E.


377-395  Bureaucratic Leadership Style as it is Applied in Public Secondary School.

                Normakoh, B. E.


396-403  Taxation and Economic Growth in Nigeria.

               Ojima, D.



Vol. 12, Issue 4 2019.



 404-418     The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders.

                    Nisar, N., Quraishi, U., Khanam, A., & Rabica, M.


419-429      Physical Environment and Arrangement of the 21st Century Classroom for Managing Disruptive

                   Behaviour in Public Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria.

                    Abraham, L. N., & Fombo, E. K. A.


430-447     The Functionality of the Contributory Funding Arrangement for Universal Basic Education Programme

                   in Nigeria.

                   Onuoha, A. N.


448-455     Family Variables and Tendencies of Drug Abuse among Undergraduate Students in Africa:

                  The Case of the University of Calabar, Nigeria.

                   Esuabana, S. B.


456-469     Access to Safe Water and Sanitation Among the Igalas in North Central Nigeria.

                  Dare, A. E.


470-476     Attitude of Christian Parents towards Sex Education in Etche, Rivers State.

                  Ordu, S. N.


477-488     Institutional Leaders Capacity in Promoting Peace Culture in Public Universities.

                  Okoko, S. E.


489-499     Senior Secondary School Physics Curriculum Content Coverage and Student’s Achievement in

                   Katagum Educational Zone, Bauchi State, Nigeria.

                   Usman, I. S., & Abubakar, Y. B.


500-508     Methods and Awareness of the Effects of Contraceptive Utilization among Young Female Students in

                  Calabar, Nigeria: Implications for Guidance and Counseling.

                  Esuabana, S. B.


509-523     Strategies for Managing Classroom Distractions for Effective Teaching and Learning.

                  Mandah, N. N.


524-533     Utilization of Scarce Resources in a Downturn Economy for Effective School System in Nigeria.

                  Owhonda, S. N.


534-540     Impacts of ICT-Based Instructional Materials on the Management of Students’ Disruptive Behaviour in

                  Public Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria.

                  Abraham, L. N., & Fombo, E. K. A.


541-552     Forces and Agents of Change and Innovation in Education in Senior Public Secondary Schools in

                  Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area, Rivers State.

                  Ibegwara, O. A., & Harrison, A.


553-563     Leadership Style: A Panacea for Administrative Efficiency in a School System.

                   Igbegiri, D. C., & Mbagwu, J. U.


564-577     Change and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Nigerian Universities.

                  Wali, T. J., & Okai, N. O.



  Vol. 12, Issue 5 2019.



 578-587     Public day care centers as a functional approach to the care and education of toddlers in Nigeria: a

                   proposal to Nigerian government.

                   Anero, N.


588-597     Undergraduate nursing student’s satisfaction with nursing program.

                   Jalal, K., Hussain, M., Afzal, M., & Gilani, S. A.


598-607     Deviance behaviour among students in tertiary institutions.

                  Ololube, A. O., & Dibu, A. V.


608-619     Gender representation in four corners series: language curriculum analysis perspective.

                   Azami, M.


620-631     The Role of Administrators in Efficient Management of the University System in Nigeria.

                   Aniagboso, I. A.


632-640     Impacts of adolescents’ behavioural indices on effective teaching and learning of science and

                  technology in secondary schools in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State.

                  Okwara, K. O., & Upu, F. T.


641-649     Marketing as a trend in 21st century librarianship.

                  Tom-George, N. W., & Okechukwu, B. U.


650-663     Factors Affecting the Clinical Performance of Nursing Students.

                  Mukhtar, F., Afzal, M., Hussain, M., & Gilani, S. A.


664-679     Principals’ leadership strategies and the performance of public secondary schools in Rivers State.

                  Normakoh, B. E.


680-699     The Nigeria blue economy: Prospects for economic growth and challenges.

                  Elisha, O. D.


700-731     Human Resources Strategies and Employee Job Performance in Rivers State University.

                  Iromole, Q. I.



Vol. 13, Issue 1, 2020.




Vol. 13, Issue 2, 2020.




207-219     Corrective Feedback in the Teaching of English Language among Federal University Lecturers in

                  South-West, Nigeria.

                   Azeez, F. A., Odinko, M. N., & Abijo, J. A.


220-227     Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence in 21st Century Library and Information Service Delivery.

                  Omehia, A., & Mmejim, I. C.


228-243     NAFDAC Sensitization Programme and Level of Consumers Knowledge Application in Identifying

                  Counterfeit and Substandard Medicines.

                   Adegoke, S. P. Osokoya, M. M., & Adegoke, A. O.


244-252    Impact of Organizational Climate and Leadership style on Human Capital Performance: Conceptual


                  Azameti, M. S. K.


253-258    Towards Lecturers Preparation for Retirement in Ekiti State Tertiary Institutions.

                  Onijigin, E. O.


259-270     Input Modification in the Teaching of English Language among Federal University Lecturers in

                  South-West, Nigeria.

                  Azeez, F. A., Odinko, M. N., & Abijo, J. A.


271-282     Stakeholders Perceived Activities of National Agency for Food, Drugs Administration and Control in

                  combating the Sales of Counterfeit and Substandard Medicines.

                  Adegoke, S. P., Adegoke, A. O., & Osokoya, M. M.


283-293     The Effect of Instructional Video Speaking Rate on the Leaning Performance of Learners with Different

                   Academic Backgrounds and Ages.

                   Miao, M., Zhang, Z., Chen, X., & Li, L.


294-328    Assessment of Transformational Leadership Approach to Financial Resource Allocation for Research

                 Functions in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Rivers State.

                 Aniagboso I. A.


329-339    Human Resource Management Practices and Staff Performance: A Way Forward for Higher Institutions

                 in Bayelsa State.

                 Igbinedion, D. A.


340-353    Motivation as a Tool for Effective Leadership in Secondary Schools in Rivers State.

                 Nwagwu, L., & Nwankwoala, H. N. L.


354-363    Poverty, inequality and underdevelopment in Nigeria: Who is to blame?

                 Okon, D. E., & Thompson, H. O.


364-375    Knowledge and implementation of Cyber Crime Act 2015 to check cyberbullying among secondary

                 school students in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

                  Abraham, L. N., & Weke, I.



Vol. 13, Issue 3, 2020.


376-385     Substance abuse among secondary school learners in Botswana: the COVID-19 of our times.

                   Jeremiah, A., & Oats, R.


386-396     Primary health care delivery among the Igalas in the North Central Nigeria.

                  Dare A. E.


397-403     Commercial sex business and university towns: The Amassoma situation.

                   Ingiabuna, E. T., & Imbazi, W.


404-411     Influence of students attitude on academic achievement in geography map reading among senior

                  secondary school III students in Oyo metropolis, Oyo state, Nigeria.

                  Emmanuel, B. A.


412-424     Effect of external debt overhang on the Nigerian economy.

                  Tamunowariye, C.


425-433     Assessing science education graduating students’ attitude and perception on entrepreneurship

                  education in Lagos State.

                  Etobro, A. B.


434-445     Quality of classroom teaching in secondary schools: teachers’ perceptions and actual practice.

                   Khan, M., Zaman., T. U., & Saeed, A.


446-454     Information Resources for Creativity and Innovation: The way forward for Early Childhood Educators

                  for Sustainable Development in Nigeria.

                  Omehia, A, E.


455-464     Incorporating innovation and reforms in philosophy of education and practice of teacher educational

                  management in Nigeria.

                  Nnorom, S. U., Ezenwagu, S., & Nwankwo, B. C.


465-483     Human resource management in secondary education: Issues and challenges.

                  Okoko, S. E., & Ibara, E. C.


484-496     Impact of educational administration and management on the standard of education in Nigeria: Rivers

                  State secondary schools as case study.

                  Nwosu, N. N.


497-516     Moving beyond take-make-dispose to take-make-use for sustainable economy.

                  Elisha, O. D.


517-526     Educational leadership response to covid-19 crisis in providing essential educational services in Nigeria.

                  Pius-Uwhubetiyi, R. T.


527-540     Teacher qualification, turnover and job performance in public senior secondary schools in Rivers State.

                  Owhondah, S. N.


541-557     Curbing strategies towards attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among senior secondary

                   school students in Ikwerre local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria: implication for curriculum


                   Mandah, S. N. N., & Mohammed, J. I.


558-565     Some determinants of basic science learning outcome at the junior secondary school level.

                  Pepple, T. F., & Ihua, G. M.


566-580     Effects of indoor and outdoor laboratory instructions on secondary school students’ attitude and

                  achievement in physics in Jama’are educational zone, Bauchi State, Nigeria.

                  Usman, I. S., & Danladi, A.


581-588     Parents’ Attitudes towards their Female Childrens’ Participation in Sporting Activities and its Implication

                  for Educational Policy and Transformation.

                  Awoyinfa, J. O., & Ikechukwu, P. A.


589-605    Management of secondary education for sustainable national development in Nigeria.

                 Walson, O. B. A., & Ajekere, N. A.


Vol. 13, Issue 4, 2020.



606-616    Financial management defining academic achievement in secondary schools.

                 Otara, A., & Ugiriwabo, P.


617-626   Issues and solutions of classroom management and control in secondary schools in

                Aguata Local Government of Anambra State.

                Ezeanolue, A. O., Nnorom, S. U., & Anyanwu, J. A.


627-636   The primacy of decision making for teacher performance in a global workplace.

                Asawo S. S., & Owhondah, S. N.


637-649   Global best practices on modalities for safety precautions in professional and non-professional

                sporting activities during covid-19 pandemic.

                Awoyinfa, J. O., Nariwoh, O. A., & Akarah, I. P.


650-669   Women education and socio-economic empowerment in Rivers State.

                Baage, B. F.


670-688   Challenges and prospects of secondary education in Nigeria.

                Ihebom, B., & Uko, J. O.


689-694   Design and validation of geography attitudinal scale.

                Bolaji, A. E., Falaye, F. V., & Junaid, I. O.


695-711   Population growth, literacy and life expectancy in Nigeria.

                Felix, M. J., & Onyenze, K. I.


712-719   Educational challenges and Wakirike development: A solution kit.

                Ibiayemie, T. L.


720-729   Citizenship education as a panacea for national cohesion in Nigeria.

                Wordu, J. W.


730-745   School resource management and records keeping in secondary education.

                Eke, N.


746-754   Fund management strategies for effective administration in public secondary schools.

                Ojekudo, B. E.


755-784   Leadership Character as an Instrument for Organizational Effectiveness in the 21st Century.

                Nwanekezie, I. S.


785-804   School community relation for effective school management.

                 Amopho, G. R.


805-819  Strategies for conflict management in the university among staff and students.

                Nwokocha, J.



Vol. 13(5), 2020


820-831     Knowledge and involvement of science and non-science students in solid waste management:

                  An imperative of science and environmental science education.

                  Owo, W. J., & Ephraim, K. A.


832-847     The pros and cons of CoronaVirus on students of public secondary schools in Rivers State.

                  Egodo, O.


848-864     Quality assurance practices for quality management and effective lesson delivery in

                   secondary education.

                  Tanen, C. C.


865-879     Assessing the effect of good customer service in increasing customer satisfaction in the

                  fashion industry.

                  Huno, V. A., & Addy, E. N. A.


880-893     Compensatory education: the head teacher integrative leadership roles to the

                   educationally deprived.

                   Osimini, O. A., Amopho, G. R., & Ugwu, C. O.


894-903     Administration of education law and student personnel service in public secondary schools

                  in Rivers State.

                  David-West, T. M.


904-923     Principals’ leadership styles and teachers’ indiscipline in public secondary schools in

                  Rivers  State.

                  Godson-Wejimogu, M. C., & Obialo, I. V.


924-937    Evaluating the efficacy of instructional-reinforcement techniques on junior secondary

                 school students’ academic engagement and performance in basic science in Rivers State.

                 Green, B., & Owo, W. J.


938-954     Secondary education: its impacts and weaknesses in Nigerian educational system and

                   meeting global demands.

                  Nwanyanwu, L., & Johnnie, S. E. A.


955-963     The influence of education and home environment on the cognitive development of

                  preschool children in Owerri West Local Government Area Imo State, Nigeria.

                  Nnorom, S. U., Ezenwagu, S. A., & Enwezor, C. H.


964-977     Leadership and management through respectable character.

                  Okere, C. O. P.


978-993     Decision making in higher education: A theoretical perspective.

                  Ehule, G. E., & Ehule, F. G.


994-1007   The role of school discipline towards leadership enhancement in higher education.

                   Ajikere, N. A.


1008-1020  Principal’s strategies for curbing educational deprivation in senior secondary schools in

                   Rivers State.

                   ThankGod, J. N., & Vulasi, B. K.




Vol. 14(1), 2021


1. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the professional training of student nurses from Universities in Ghana.

Arthur-Mensah, R., Adu-Gyamfi, P. K. T., & Kyei, A. A.


2. Socio-Economic environment and juvenile delinquency among secondary school students in Rivers State, Nigeria.

Agbongiasede, C. K.


3. Dimensions of emotional intelligence as predictors of academic achievement in physics among secondary school students in Rivers State.

Daodu, O. W., & Oledapo, D. O.


4. Resources Scarcity and Sustainable Economic Growth.

Elisha, O. D.


5. Cooperative learning and students’ performance in English language in Port Harcourt metropolis.

Dickay, Q.


6. Patients’ Satisfaction with Male Nurses: Evidence from Ghana.

Arthur-Mensah, R., Tsey, F. E., Tetteh-Ahinakwa, L., & Kyei, A. A.


7. Impact of examination malpractice on university education in Nigeria.

Ofor-Douglas, S.


8. Contributions of sociology and anthropology to the development of education and society.

Dickay, S. A.


9. Determining the readability level of nursery 3 and primary 3 English studies textbooks using cloze test in Rivers State, Nigeria.

Uzoeshi, I. V., & Odinko, M. N.


10. Assessing the extent of public education policies and rural educational development: a study of Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State.

Yobolo, A. U., Nwosu, K. L., & Nwankwo, J. U.


11. Classroom Management and Students’ Academic Performance in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Rivers State: Implications for the Educational Administrators.

Nwankwoala, H. N. L.


12. Investigating school-factors affecting the implementation of Yoruba Language curriculum in Oyo State.

Omowumi, O. A., Pai, O., & Abijo, J. A.


13 Teachers’ work management and family life balance for improved service delivery in public secondary schools in Rivers State.

Gbarage, M. B.


14. Policy analysis and implementation for attainment of educational goal in Nigeria.

Igweka, U. V.



Vol. 14(2), 2021



1. Globalization, sexual misbehavior and examination malpractice among university students in Rivers State:

    A critical evaluation of the reality.

    Uriah, O. A.


2.  Human resource management as an effective tool for productivity in Nigerian universities.

     Ofor-Douglas, S.


3.  Influence of incentives on work motivation of principals in Rivers State secondary schools.

    Nwosu, N. N.


4.  Information Society and Literacy: The Plight of the Non-Digital Migrants.

     Obi, B. B.


5.  A diagnosis of school plant conditions for effective academic performance in secondary schools in Rivers State.

     Elenwa, U. A., & Adiele, A. E.


6.  Bureaucracy and effective management of tertiary institutions in Rivers State.

     Pius-Uwhubetiyi, R. T.


7.   Quality assurance in basic education: need for stakeholders participation.

      Ibiayemie, T. L.


8.   The Influence of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Senior Secondary School Students in

      Kosofe Local Government Area, Lagos State.

      Omojuwe, A.


9.   Educational leadership style and teachers’ attitude in relation to the actualization of educational goals.

      Enwereuzo, P. N.


10.  Influence of knowledge sharing practice by librarians in promoting reading culture among secondary school

       students in Rivers State, Nigeria

       Mmejim, I. C., Umahi, B. O., & Omehia, A.


 11.  Poor Manpower Development and Postgraduate Students’ Satisfaction with the Use of Federal University

        Libraries, South-South, Nigeria.

        Omehia A. E., & Okwu, E.


Vol. 14(3), 2021


375-385   Effect of Li-Rap learning strategy on academic achievement of secondary school economics students in

                 Sapele Local Government Area of Delta State Nigeria.

                Ekpuyama, G., & Onuka, A. O. U.


386-399   Management of higher education for sustainable growth and development in Nigeria: A critical analysis.

                Nwosu, N. N.


400-415   Effective Classroom Management Strategies.

                 Brown, N. B., & Adooh, S. M.


416-423   Human resource planning for quality education delivery in secondary schools in Rivers State.

                Moses, Z. O. P., & Igwe, G. C.


424-437   Utilization of ICT in the administration of public senior secondary schools in Rivers State.

                Wichendu, C. O., & Onyinyechi, O. H.


438-445   Effect of teacher made teaching aids on the teaching and learning of basic science in junior secondary

                schools in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State.

                Osam, I., & Osaji, O.


446-472   Teachers’ Competency in ICTs and Students’ Academic Performance in English Language in Secondary

                Schools in Eket Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

                Ernest, A.


473-485  State of insecurity: Its effect on quality and standard of Education in Nigeria.

                Ogona, I. K., & Anele, G. M.



Vol. 14(4), 2021


1.   Effect of mnemonics teaching for learning strategy on academic achievement in senior

      secondary school economics in Ughelli-North Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria.

      Ekpuyama, G. O.


2.   Teachers’ negligence and its implications in public secondary schools in Rivers State.

      Ibiayemie, T. L., Nwamara, E. N., & Orupabo, F. T.


3.   Work life balance: A catalyst for effective teachers’ performance.

      Marlon, M.


4.   Assessing the managerial functions of secondary schools’ board for quality education delivery in

      Rivers State.

      Harry, S.


5.   Online training needs of teachers for instructional delivery effectiveness in public secondary school

      in Rivers State.

      Ejekwu, R. A., & Worlu, W. I.


6.   Institutional effectiveness: A product of leadership and management dynamics in public universities

      in Rivers State.

      Alasomuka, V. A.


7.   Principals’ motivational strategies and teachers job satisfaction.

      Echikpu, C. E.



Vol. 15(1), 2022


1.    Educational leadership style and teachers’ attitude in relation to the actualization of educational goals.

       Enoch, G. S., & Sikpi, E.


2.    Public secondary schools principals’ leadership behaviour and students’ academic performance.

       Okoro, J. I.


3.    The effect of science teachers’ instructional and methodological competences on science students’

       academic performance in secondary schools in Rivers State.

       Kalagbor, L. G.


4.     Respondents’ demographic awareness of their human rights for administrative effectiveness of schools.

       Anyanugo, M. O.


5.    Improving the cognitive domain of slow learners: An instructional leadership concern.

       Patrick, I. E.


6.    Resources management for educational leadership effectiveness in federal universities in South-South


      Iyaye, P. T.


7.    Challenges confronting some private secondary school operators in Rivers State.

       Chigbo, B. M.


8.    Private sector participation and institutional leadership in the management of tertiary education in

       Rivers State, Nigeria.

       Ajikere, N. A.


9.    Institutional leaders’ capacity building and the management of human and material resources among

       principals of public secondary schools.

       Orupabo, F. T.


Vol. 15(2), 2022


1.    Principals coping strategies and teachers job satisfaction in Rivers State.

       Oguru, C. O.


2.     Managing teachers diversity for quality secondary education in Bayelsa State.

        Phillips-Ayonuwe, G.


3.     Faculty professional development: A means of enhancing quality university education.

        Akosubo-Ogori, E.


4.     Centered leadership and educational outcomes: Implications for educational planning.

        Woyengikuro, K.


5.     School environment and academic performance of junior secondary school students in Rivers State.

        Owuamalam, P. O., & Obi, P. O.


6.     Character Control and Management of Organizational Leaders.

        Igweka, U. V.


7.     Managing e-learning facilities for quality education service in higher institutions.

        Nicholas, I. J.


8.     Ways of developing character in organizational management.

         Mmberru, V. E.


9.      Financial Resources Utilization and School Principals in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.

         Azi, M. N.


10.    Management of Education Fund in Nigeria Universities.

         Anyanwu, H. C.


11.    Challenges, Development and Prospect of University Education in Nigeria.

         Agbovu, D., & Inegbu, S.


12.    Change and Innovation, Problem and Prospects in Tertiary Education in Nigeria.

         Okoko, S.


13.    Social factors influencing the demand for higher degree programmes among male and

         female graduate students in universities in Rivers State.

         Agabi, O. G.


14.    Economic and institutional factors influencing the demand for post-graduate programmes in

         universities in Rivers State.

         Agabi. O. G.



                              Vol. 15(3), 2022


1.      Knowledge of education law: Lessons for secondary school teachers in Nigeria.

         Ibiayemie, T. L., Nwachukwu, U. K., & Chinda, C. I.


2.      Social Change: A Stigma on Community Development in the 21st Century in Nigeria.

         Oji, E. W., Ekekwe, N., & Okirika, A.


3.      Social media and examination malpractices in secondary senior schools in Rivers State.

         Elechi, S. K.


4.     Psychological wages and gifts as reward system and teachers’ job effectiveness in

        public senior secondary schools in Rivers State.

        Anele, G. M., & Ogona, I. K.


5.     Finding Effective Nodes of Personality Type in a Paperless Environment.

        Agbamu, P. T., & Egwali, A. O.


5.     Stakeholders interference in students admission and staff employment process and the

        administration of tertiary institutions in Rivers State.

        Mmom, C. P. C.



Vol. 16(1), 2023


1.      Psychological Effects of Kidnapping and Banditry on Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Institution

         in North-West Region of Nigeria.

         Muhammad, N. A., Abdulmalik, I., & Jobe, A. A.


2.      Capacity building needs of model primary school head teachers in utilizing information

         and communication technology in school administration in Rivers State.

         Welewa, G. E.


3.      Environmental education and socio-economic issues in the Niger Delta

         Agbor, C. N., Elisha. O. D., & Onnoghen U. N.


4.      School plant planning as correlate of students’ academic performance in private secondary

         schools in Rivers State, Nigeria.

         Imoh, R. C.


Vol. 16(2), 2023



62-75   Bribery and copying during examination and students’ academic performance in public

            senior secondary schools in Rivers State.

            Mbarawii, W.


76-86    Peer pressure and bullying behaviour among adolescents in secondary schools in Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.

            Ibimiluyi, F. O.


87-99   Basic statutory rights and teachers’ job performance in public secondary schools in Rivers State.

            Okeleke, M. E.


100-108 Strategies for improving teachers job effective in secondary schools in Anambra State, Nigeria.

              Eke, E. N.


109-118 Utilization of Blended Teaching for Bridging ICT Gaps in Teacher Education.

              Nwochocha, J., & Oriji, M. M.


119-136 Training and development for employees’ optimal job performance in institutions of

              higher education.

              Obasi, F. U., &  Wokoma, I. S.


137-152 Artificial intelligence and economic aspects of public universities in Nigeria.

              Ananyi, S. O., & Nwosu, L. K.


153-166 School management committees and secondary schools students learning outcomes in

               rural areas of Rivers State, Nigeria.

               Agi, U. K., & Igwe, G.


167-183 The implication of institutional culture on staff work behaviour in public universities.

              Teine, C. T.


184-194 Organizational ethics: a panacea for employee performance in Nigerian institutions.

              Onuoha, E. O.


195-206 Organizational welfare package and employee job satisfaction.

              Wokoma, I. S.,  & Obasi, F. U.


207-215 Laboratory methods and academic performance on integrated science in schools in Rivers State.

              Onyeukwu, H. C., & Hope-Tariah, B.


216-228 Organizational effectiveness through information and communication technology resources.

              Orlu, V. N., & Brigue, A. U.


229-236 Prior and Post Adaptation of Marriage Testing Policy: The Impact of Couple’s

              Heamoglobin Genotype Testing in the Reduction of Sickle Cell Anaemia (SCA) in Katsina State.

              Nura, A., & Adamu, A.



Vol. 16(3), 2023


237-247  Administrators’ intellectual abilities for effective administration of schools in Nigeria.

               Mmom, C. P. C., & Ogona, I. K.


248-269  Public debt and economic development in Nigeria: an empirical analysis.

               Ebelogu, G. C., & Elisha, O. D.


270-287 Teachers’ commitment and students’ academic performance in public senior secondary

               schools in Rivers East Senatorial District of Rivers State.

               Obianwu, G. C. & Benstowe, F.


288-301 Tort liability and classroom management in public secondary schools in Bayelsa State.

               Deizighe, C.


302-319  Impact of adult and non-formal education in Nigeria: the way forward for educational leaders.

               Somieari-Pepple, E. S.


320-336 Teachers’ profound subject knowledge and attitude for effective job performance in

               public secondary schools in Bayelsa State.

               Usifo, V. F.


337-347  Leadership information literacy and effective administration of public senior secondary schools.

               Umesi, C. D., & Amirize, M.


348-355  Fiscal accountability in the Nigerian secondary educational sector: challenges and remedies.

               Christogonus-Anyanwu, O., & Dike, B. W.


356-367  Personnel management and teachers' job performance.

               Esie, R. E.



Vol. 16(4), 2023



368-379   Negative effects of leadership on organizational performance.

                 Wejinye, O. O., Agwoje, S. E.


380-388     Impact of inflation and standard of living on teacher’s job performance in public senior secondary

                 schools in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria.

                 Giami, C. B. N.


389-418    Optimizing organizational success in public universities in Niger Delta region through strategic

                 human resource planning.

                 Cheta-Maclean, S.


419-429   Impact of managing information system on school administration of secondary schools in

                Yenagoa Local Government Area of Bayelsa State.

                Amangala, T R., & Ngozi, A. F.


430-438   Functional tertiary education and the challenges of democracy.

                Oguru, C. O., & Amie-Ogan, O. T.


439-446  Turns, turn-taking, and or interruptions! a pragmatic approach to discourse.

                Dozie, C. P., Ekwuribe, C. F., & Ajileye, M. O.


447-453   Educational policies and academic staff capacity development in federal universities in Nigeria.

                Ekpo, E. E., Nnaji, E. S., Onabe, D. B., & Ovat, S. V.


454-465   Academic corruption: a bane of higher education leadership goals achievement in Nigeria.

                Nkwor, E. O.


466-486   Working condition variables and teachers job performance in public senior secondary schools

                in Rivers State.

                Oluoh, B. N.



Vol. 17(1), 2024



1-14    Inclusiveness of the girl-child in STEM education in public senior secondary schools in Rivers State.

           Oguru, C. O., & Amie-Ogan, O. T.


15-36    School Climate and Teachers Job Performance in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Rivers State.

            Oluoh, B. N.


37-48   Utilization of healthcare services by people suffering from osteoarthritis in Ogbaku Kingdom,

             Imo State, Nigeria.

             Ibebuike, J., & Peters, N. I.


49-59    Improving teachers productivity through enculturation in secondary schools.

             Ogosu, D. A., Agi, U. K.


60-75    Workforce development strategies for teacher job performance in public schools in Nigeria.

             Deo, E. M., & Agi, U. K.


76-95    Management of public secondary education in Rivers State in a dwindling economy for

             enhanced students’ academic performance.

              Worlu, C. B., & Okorie, M. T.


96-110   Innovative teacher education: A panacea for teachers’ effectiveness in Nigeria.

              Ihua, B.


111-126   Capacity building as a strategic tool for attainment of quality education in public schools in Nigeria.

               Maxwell, D.


127-142   Educational leadership for institutional transformation and upliftment in public universities

                in Nigeria.

                Dei, G. E.


143-157   Emotional spousal abuse and emotional homeostatic disequilibrium (EHD) among

                married secondary school teachers in Delta and Edo States of Nigeria.

                Musah, E.


158-176   How agricultural nitrous oxide emission and crude oil spillage affects the quality of life in Nigeria.

               Chukwuyenum, L. A., & Akandu, V. C.


Vol. 17(2), 2024


177-185     Psychological needs of primary school child beyond classroom in Okrika Local

                  Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria.

                  Godfrey-Kalio, I. A., & Osiri-Eme, I. F.


186-193     Household costs of education in public upper basic schools in Edo State Nigeria:

                  Implications on educational planning.

                  Famous-Izedonmi, B. O., & Uche, C. M.


194-207    Teachers workload and effective teaching.

                  Christogonus-Anyanwu, O., & Imiruaye, J. E.


208-216    The role of instructional leadership in the context of education business administration.

                  Nwakibea, F. I., & Haastrup, T. A.


217-229     Modern curricula in African library schools: setting the agenda for sustainable development.

                   Alex-Nmecha, J. C., & Onifade, A. B.


230-235     Literature in English teachers in public senior secondary schools in Edo State Nigeria

                  and National Development.

                  Famous-Izedonmi, B. O.


236-254      School culture as influencer of students’ academic achievement in secondary schools in Nigeria.

                  Enwereazu, U. P.


255-263     Implication of Staff Counselling on the Effectiveness of Public Secondary School in Nigeria.

                  Cheta-Maclean, S.


264-278   TETFund and the transformation of higher education in Nigeria.

                 Ananyi, S. O., & Onyekwere, L. A.


279-287    Teaching and learning of mathematics: challenges and prospect in public primary schools

                  in Rivers State.

                  Benebo-Solomon, W., & Abaver, S. M.


288-296    Concept mapping instructional strategy and numeracy skills acquisition of preschoolers in

                  public early childhood education centers in Rivers East Senatorial District of Rivers State.

                  Ejekwu, P. O., & Oke, I. I.



Vol. 17(3), 2024



297-305  Comparison of multiple regression and discriminant analysis as tools for predicting

               academic achievement.

               Nwogwugwu, C. E., & Ovat, S. V.


306-315  Opinions on a digital game designed for the topic of pressure through the Kodu Game Lab.

                Karamustafaoğlu, O.


316-327  School characteristics and students repetition rates in junior secondary schools JSS1-JSS3

               in public schools in Cross River State from 2009-2013.

               Okoi, I. I., & Inah, R. A.


328-340  Modeling institutional variables on academic quality among public university academics in

                southern states of Nigeria.

                Ovat, S. V., Nwogwugwu, C. E., Ofem, U. J., Eduwem, J. D., & Egbai, J. M.


341-350  Managing personnel issues in education for national reconciliation, integration and

               economic recovery.

                Ibaba, G. B.


351-368  Occupational stress and job performance in public senior secondary schools teachers in

                Rivers State.

                Umesi, C. D.


369-392  Does collaboration and avoidance as conflict management strategies enhance

               university development in south-south Nigeria?

               Ojika, T.


393-405  Development of objectives, instructional materials and methods for capacity building module

               in teaching maintenance of milling machine in mechanical engineering craft practice in

               Technical Colleges in Delta State.

                Iteku, J. A., &  Emamorose, F.


406-422  Human resources management strategies and quality education delivery in public primary

                schools in Rivers State.

                Wejinya, T. G.


423-432  Modeling Input Modification Taxonomy Patterns: Lecturers' Perception in Tertiary Institutions

               in Katsina State.

                Azeez, F. A.



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